How We Instill Wellness in the Workplace

Brittney works on our Customer Success team and has begun a health journey, thanks in part to #CBFit

Healthy employees, in every respect, make for a more productive workplace with a happier workforce. They require fewer sick days, recover more quickly from ailments, and consistently reap the feel-good benefits of exercise-induced endorphins.

But a healthy culture doesn’t just appear; it is cultivated. More businesses are making it a priority to encourage and support their employees in adopting healthy behaviors and moving towards a healthier lifestyle overall. 

But a healthy culture doesn’t just appear; it is cultivated.

At Clearbridge, we strive every day to be #better. Building a culture of wellness has been a priority for our team, and we’ve done it by creating an open office space with standing workstations, providing healthy office snacks (Pre Covid-19 of course), and leading daily team stretches in the office. 

However, it wasn’t until we rolled out our #CBFit program that we really started to see some momentum. 

It all started with the 1 Mile A Day Challenge for 30 days. We put the challenge out to everyone on our team who was interested and built a space to track and encourage everyone along each day. The team stepped up to the plate and motivated each other. They shared pictures and details of their routes, their favorite tracking apps and even the best stretching tips! 

It wasn’t until we rolled out our #CBFit program that we really started to see some momentum. 

Our team has seen a number of benefits form our #CBFit program included – but not limited to – increased happiness, better quality sleep, stronger relationships with their teammates, and improved self confidence.

Below are 4 tips to help you start your own office wellness challenge.

  1. Choose something easily accessible. Ensuring this challenge is something that everyone on your team has access to is an important start. Walking is a great activity to choose as it is simple, easily accessible and generally won’t overwhelm participants!
  2. Create a space for your team to track, celebrate and motivate each other. That could be your team messaging app, a whiteboard in the staff lunch room, or a daily group email thread.
  3. Incentivise it! To help gain traction and keep people motivated, give them something to work towards. Maybe that’s a $25 gift card to the local sports store, a paid extended lunch, or cool company swag.
  4. Celebrate! Celebrating every little win for each person is key. This helps build momentum and takes these newly created healthy habits from a 30-day challenge to a lifestyle shift. 

A healthy team is a happy team and a happy team is a more productive one! Watch the video to see the massive impact #CBFit has had on our very own Brittney.

If you’d like to get the chance to be part of this happy team, contact us here or check our current openings.